
R interface to the keras library

Primary LanguageRGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

kerasR: R Interface to the Keras Deep Learning Library

Author: Taylor B. Arnold
License: LGPL-2

AppVeyor Build Status Travis-CI Build Status CRAN Version Coverage Status DOI status


Keras provides a language for building neural networks as connections between general purpose layers. This package provides a consistent interface to the Keras Deep Learning Library directly from within R. Keras provides specifications for describing dense neural networks, convolution neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN) running on top of either TensorFlow or Theano. Type conversions between Python and R are automatically handled correctly, even when the default choices would otherwise lead to errors. Includes complete R documentation and many working examples.


You can download the current released version of CRAN:


Or the development version from GitHub:


You will also have to install the Python module keras and either the module tensorflow or Theano. The best resource for this is the Keras Documentation, which should be updated as new releases are given. Note that you should at a minimum be using Keras version 2.0.1. To check that you have installed this properly, run the following in R, setting the correct path to the version of Python that has installed the Keras module:



The keras_init will throw a helpful message if it fails to find keras and the function keras_available will return TRUE if it is succesfully installed and loaded. Issues, questions, and feature requests should be opened as GitHub Issues.

A Small Example (Boston Housing Data)

Building a model in Keras starts by constructing an empty Sequential model.

mod <- Sequential()

The result of Sequential, as with most of the functions provided by kerasR, is a python.builtin.object. This object type, defined from the reticulate package, provides direct access to all of the methods and attributes exposed by the underlying python class. To access these, we use the $ operator followed by the method name. Layers are added by calling the method add. This function takes as an input another python.builtin.object, generally constructed as the output of another kerasR function. For example, to add a dense layer to our model we do the following:

mod$add(Dense(units = 50, input_shape = 13))

We have now added a dense layer with 200 neurons. The first layer must include a specification of the input_shape, giving the dimensionality of the input data. Here we set the number of input variables equal to 13. Next in the model, we add an activation defined by a rectified linear unit to the model:


Now, we add a dense layer with just a single neuron to serve as the output layer:

mod$add(Dense(units = 1))

Once the model is fully defined, we have to compile it before fitting its parameters or using it for prediction. Compiling a model can be done with the method compile, but some optional arguments to it can cause trouble when converting from R types so we provide a custom wrapper keras_compile. At a minimum we need to specify the loss function and the optimizer. The loss can be specified with just a string, but we will pass the output of another kerasR function as the optimizer. Here we use the RMSprop optimizer as it generally gives fairly good performance:

keras_compile(mod,  loss = 'mse', optimizer = RMSprop())

Now we are able to fit the weights in the model from some training data, but we do not yet have any data from which to train! Let's load some using the wrapper function load_boston_housing. We provide several data loading functions as part of the package, and all return data in the same format. In this case it will be helpful to scale the data matrices. While we could use the R function scale, another option is the keras-specific function normalize, which we use here. One benefit of normalize is that is allows for normalizing arrays along arbitrary dimensions, a useful feature in convolutional and recurrent neural networks.

boston <- load_boston_housing()
X_train <- normalize(boston$X_train)
Y_train <- boston$Y_train
X_test <- normalize(boston$X_test)
Y_test <- boston$Y_test

Now, we call the wrapper keras_fit in order to fit the model from this data. As with the compilation, there is a direct method for doing this but you will likely run into data type conversion problems calling it directly. Instead, we see how easy it is to use the wrapper function (if you run this yourself, you will see that Keras provides very good verbose output for tracking the fitting of models):

keras_fit(mod, X_train, Y_train,
          batch_size = 32, epochs = 200,
          verbose = 1, validation_split = 0.1)

Notice that the model does not do particularly well here, probably due to over-fitting on such as small set.

pred <- keras_predict(mod, X_test)
sd(as.numeric(pred) - Y_test) / sd(Y_test)
## [1] 0.6818437

Several more involved examples are contained in the package vignette R Interface to the Keras Deep Learning Library.


If you would like to contribute to the project please contact the maintainer directly. Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.