XCurve is an end-to-end PyTorch library for X-Curve metrics optimizations in machine learning.
- 128lili
- 7578lgg
- 892446631
- alphaprime
- AlyssaYoung
- boyuhInstitute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT, CAS)
- C-Comfundo
- Caoyuchen3
- CongYep
- cutdir
- Darkbblue
- Ferry-Li
- Impression2805Beijing
- jianpingZhonggitWeihai City, Shandong Province
- joshuaas
- JunyaoHuat home now
- Keep-PassionUniversity of Science and Technology Beijing
- LiangSiyuan21
- Lj127728
- LzgsGithubInstitute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- macaulishxcoo
- mengmeng28
- mxmdpc
- pinkhide27Beijing
- qzhbHIT
- RuizhouLiu
- RuoyuChen10Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Shaocr
- smuelpeng
- sqdchina
- wang22ti
- wangbingnan136hongkong university
- XCurveOpt
- YongZh958China University of Mining and Technology
- Yuchen-Sunflower
- zhaobo2001Xi'an Jiaotong University