Ravn Coding Challenge


This is not needed since the project is deployed, in any case you can still do it

First, run the development server:

git clone https://github.com/AlvaroAquijeDiaz/Ravn-Challenge-V2-Alvaro-Aquije.git
# then
npm install && npm run dev
# or
yarn && yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


This project was made in order to complete the second phase of the recruitment/selection process, specifically as a coding challenge; I expect my development abilities and knowledge to fulfill the requirements for the further process.

Working app

Working App

Technologies used

  • NextJS (React framework)
  • Typescript
  • GraphQL -> Apollo Client
  • TailwindCSS (fast development)
  • Framer Motion

Extra Features

  • This project is currently deployed on Vercel: latest_production_website

  • Small animations/transitions to make the web more dynamic