Welcome to ft_irc, an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server project implemented in C++. This project is part of the core curriculum at ECOLE42.
The ft_irc project aims to create an IRC server that can handle multiple clients simultaneously. It provides a platform for users to connect, communicate, and collaborate in real-time. The server supports various commands for managing channels and incorporates a built-in chat bot for enhanced functionality.
Multi-client Support: The server is designed to handle multiple clients concurrently, allowing users to connect from different machines and communicate with each other.
Channel Management: Users can create, join, and leave channels. They can also list all available channels and retrieve information about a specific channel.
Chat Bot: The built-in chat bot enhances the user experience by providing additional functionality. The bot can respond to specific commands or interact with users in predefined ways, by getting answers from ChatGPT API.
To use ft_irc, follow these steps:
Clone the ft_irc repository to your local machine. '''shell git clone https://github.com/statvej/ft_irc_42.git ''';
Navigate to the project directory. '''shell cd ft_irc ''';
Build the project using your preferred C++ compiler. '''shell make ''';
Run the server. '''shell ./ft_irc ''';
Connect to the server using an IRC client application. Use the server address and port to establish a connection.
Start interacting with the server by joining channels, sending messages, and utilizing the available commands.