
A study about computer graphic.

Primary LanguageC++

Chemex Coffeemaker CG Project

I'll use this repository to apply the skills learned on my CG classes in the UEZO, to make a chemex coffeemaker using OpenGL and GLUT(because the teacher asked for use them on the class), the idea is to make a new image inspired by the pictures below before the period ends:
Chemex Coffemaker draw 1 Chemex Coffemaker draw 2

How to run the program on Linux:

$ make
$ make clean
$ ./chemex.out

How to run the examples on Linux:

$ make examples
$ make clean
$ ./examples.out

How to install the project dependencies on Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev make g++


  • OpenGL
  • GLUT
  • g++
  • make


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