
How to run a wikidev container environment

Primary LanguageShell


This note describes the steps necessary to setup a container based environment for working with semantic Wiki instances. In this note, we use NATO Interoperability Standards and Profiles (NISP) as an example.

Installing a Semantic Wiki container

The Wiki development environment container image exists in a Docker repository at TIDE. In order to install it, you first need to fetch the installation script, using the command

wget http://goosje.com/wikidev

In order to download the Docker image, you need an account at TIDE and be authorised to access the TIDE Docker repository. Subsequently you can download, install and start the Wiki development environment using the command:

sh ./wikidev

Note, that besides the wikidev environment, a small container management tool called portainer is also installed.

Creating a Wiki Instance

The Wiki management environment is able to handle multiple wiki instances. Before you work with a Wiki instance, you need to create it. The Wiki management consol is available via the URI


Note, that to use the management console in the container, you need to present your credentials. The default administrator use the word manager for both the username and the password.

Press the Create button and fill in the ID and Name fields. For the NISP project potential values for id and name could be nisp12 and NISP.

When the Wiki has been created, you can access it


Populating the Wiki

The Wiki instance with application pages and data is done using the Wiki Automation Tool (WAT), which create a bunch of application pages, form, reports etc based on a semantic datamodel, which describes all concepts and properties of the datamodel.

The WAT tool is a Python script and works with Python 2.7.15 and depend on a number of Python libraries, which must be installed using the command

sudo pip install reportlab openpyxl nltk pathlib2 airspeed lxml poster

The WAT tool can be fetched from the git repository at https://tide.act.nato.int/git/tide/wat

This note works with commit ba4395d822 from Mar 10, 2020.

To setup the NISP Wiki, you need a development directory, where you must create two subdirectories: one for the wat tool and one for the NISP domain.

       |------ nisp
       |------ wat

This can be done in the following steps:

  1. mkdir wikidev
  2. cd wikidev
  3. git clone https://tide.act.nato.int/git/tide/nisp.git
  4. git clone https://tide.act.nato.int/git/team/wat.git

Publishing the datamodel

The data model located in nisp/datamodel.xml describes the concepts and properties of the NISP datamodel.

It is published in the following way. From the nisp directory run the following command

../wat/wat.sh --wiki http://localhost:8000/nisp12 --username manager --password manager

After the first publication, Tomasz recommends that the following command is run a couple of times

../wat/wat.sh --wiki http://localhost:8000/nisp12 --clearCache --username manager --password manager

Publishing the data

Pages containing data complying with the datamodel should be stored in the folder


The stylesheet located in nisp/tools is a XSLT 2 stylesheet, which utilizes the SAXON XSLT processor ablity to serialize processing of XML. The stylesheet generate pages for all concepts an properties taken from the NISP XML database. The stylesheet has been tested with Saxon version 9.1.

The pages are generated with the command

saxon standards.xml tools/makePages.xsl

The generated pages can be uploaded to the wiki instance using the command

../wat/wat.sh --wiki http://localhost:8000/nisp12 --deployData --username manager --password manager

Uploading to an external site

If you want to upload the generated pages to a wiki instance, which does not support the wat tools deployData flag, you can instead create archive of the wiki and data pages by running the two commands

../wat/wat.sh --wiki http://localhost:8000/nisp12 --generateArchive


../wat/wat.sh --wiki http://localhost:8000/nisp12 --generateDataArchive

and subsequently load the archives into your version of the semantic wiki.

Usefull pages in the wiki

The Wiki comes installed with a number of useful pages, which can be found via the search box.

  • Project:Data Model - Describes the conceptual data model for the specific domain
  • Project:Data Browser - List the packages and concepts in the data model with links to the actual data
  • Project:Wiki Model - A copy of the data model file
  • Project:Software - Lists the application pages generated from the Wiki model
  • Help:Developer Manual - Describes the Wiki development process
  • Special:Version - Lists installed software packages, plugins, themes etc.