- 1
- 3
Adding or changing versions
#122 opened by dipth - 3
Fix Ecto 3.2 warnings
#119 opened by philipgiuliani - 13
- 0
Truncating updated_at broke my tests
#115 opened by tarzan - 1
2 pictures in one schema
#100 opened by HendrikPetertje - 0
Uploading to S3 from a remote URL returns a SignatureDoesNotMatch error
#118 opened by MarbilleJuntado - 1
Store original file size and filename to Model
#80 opened by prihandi - 1
Cant get upload from frontend to work with Ecto 3 and arc_ecto in Phoenix API.
#116 opened by aislanmaia - 1
- 4
Microseconds in updated_at timestamp
#96 opened by almirsarajcic - 5
Pass binary to `cast_attachments`
#54 opened by darkbaby123 - 0
Specify Field Name In Scope
#114 opened by jtfairbank - 0
Support for signed Cloudfront web distributions.
#112 opened by silentsilas - 0
Problem with Tests
#111 opened by smartdevbr - 10
One does not simply delete an Arc attachment
#40 opened by jerodsanto - 1
Dialyzer error
#109 opened by OvermindDL1 - 1
Examples for saving arc photo from websocket?
#107 opened by quantumproducer - 5
Uploading to S3 while model is being created
#66 opened by lekevicius - 3
Ecto 3.0 emits warnings when using arc_ecto
#102 opened by dbernheisel - 5
Todo: Support Ecto 3
#98 opened by mmartinson - 15
arc_ecto not working with ecto 3
#104 opened by AppyCat - 2
Error uploading to S3 with 0.10.0
#95 opened by MvanDiemen - 11
- 1
arc_ecto requires arc 0.8.0
#93 opened by kiere - 15
Ex_machina integration
#33 opened by asiniy - 4
Overridden filename not stored in the database
#84 opened by AppyCat - 1
- 1
Timout when transforming image
#85 opened by svennerberg - 3
- 1
Upload via remote URL doesn't seem to work.
#86 opened by jung-hunsoo - 3
Original filename is not available
#49 opened by jfrolich - 0
Cannot delete object from S3
#76 opened by aislanmaia - 2
New maintainer/moving to the separate organization?
#67 opened by lessless - 1
Asynchronous race condition problem
#74 opened by jekku - 3
- 1
(UndefinedFunctionError) function ExAws.S3.Upload.stream_file/1 is undefined (module ExAws.S3.Upload is not available)
#70 opened by aliabbas-2012 - 1
#62 opened by drapergeek - 1
- 2
Can't access file/file path in changeset
#65 opened by pejrich - 4
Example of multiple uploads
#48 opened by AlexKovalevych - 2
Allow storage of based on external URLs?
#51 opened by johnnyji - 7
JSON Resource uploading
#50 opened by SuperDisk - 0
Can't use with Arc 0.6.0-rc1
#47 opened by TrevorHinesley - 4
- 4
Files saved with double extension
#39 opened by joshuaswilcox - 1
Not working with embedded schema
#28 opened by ionull - 1
Absolute links for local urls
#32 opened by tiagoengel - 2
Arc ecto image fetch from aws s3
#31 opened - 1
ProjectName.Avatar.Type causes Plug.conn bug?
#30 opened by wilfredkun