wraps a few of github's v3 API webhooks calls
$ pip install https://github.com/smlstvnh/hookie/archive/master.zip
$ hookie run --create http://jenkins.hookie.net:8080/ghprbhook/ -u smlstvnh -r hookie
Creating hook [ http://jenkins.hookie.net:8080/ghprbhook/ ] for smlstvnh -- hookie
set up your hookie/hookie.yaml
- otherwise, defaults to https://api.github.com
see existing hooks and their parameters
$ hookie show -u smlstvnh -r hookie
$ hookie show -u smlstvnh -r hookie
### WEBHOOKS ON smlstvnh:hookie ###
Nothing yet. Let me create one.
$ hookie run --create http://jenkins.hookie.net:8080/ghprbhook/ -u smlstvnh -r hookie
fetching list of existing hooks for smlstvnh:hookie
Creating hook [ http://jenkins.hookie.net:8080/ghprbhook/ ] for smlstvnh -- hookie
Show the details.
$ hookie show -u smlstvnh -r hookie
### WEBHOOKS ON smlstvnh:hookie ###
--- ID: 1745140 ---
{u'active': True,
u'config': {u'content_type': u'form',
u'insecure_ssl': u'1',
u'url': u'http://jenkins.hookie.net:8080/ghprbhook/'},
u'created_at': u'2014-01-30T00:27:09Z',
u'events': [u'issue_comment', u'pull_request'],
u'id': 1745140,
u'last_response': {u'code': None, u'message': None, u'status': u'unused'},
u'name': u'web',
u'test_url': u'https://api.github.com/repos/smlstvnh/hookie/hooks/1745140/test',
u'updated_at': u'2014-01-30T00:27:09Z',
u'url': u'https://api.github.com/repos/smlstvnh/hookie/hooks/1745140'}
- hookie is currently set up (because I primarily use it with ghprb) so that webhooks it creates will trigger on
events: ['issue_comment', 'pull_request']
- I will make that, and more of these parameters dynamic as soon as it's needed.
Time for a deletion.
$ hookie run --delete bogus -u smlstvnh -r hookie
fetching list of existing hooks for smlstvnh:hookie
! That doesn't look like a webhook id.
No hooks found to delete. Tried to delete [ bogus ]
Try deleting one of:
> id: [1745140] -- url: [http://jenkins.hookie.net:8080/ghprbhook/]
$ hookie run --delete 1745140 -u smlstvnh -r hookie
fetching list of existing hooks for smlstvnh:hookie
Deleting hook with id => 1745140 from smlstvnh:hookie
<Response [204]>