
CLI tool written in python for doing things with OpenStack Heat

Primary LanguagePython


WARNING: Use at your own risk! This comes with no warranties, guarantees, or promises of any kind.

Command line helper utility for authoring and performing extended validation testing on Heat templates. The name comes from the acronym for Heat Orchestration Templates.


  • For Ubuntu 12.04/14.04, install the necessary packages:
    • sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip gcc libxslt1-dev python-lxml git
  • All systems: pip must be installed.
  • virtualenv is recommended.
  • The following environmental variables must be properly set before running hot:
    • HEAT_URL


Install with pip (recommended):

pip install hot

Clone it down, install it:

git clone git@github.com:brint/hot.git
cd hot
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install


Ensure you have activated your virtual environment before every use.

The hot command takes a single verb, 'test'. Issuing the command without a a verb will result in the usage output:

(venv)~/src/hot $ hot
usage: hot [-h] {test,docs,init} ...

hot must be run inside of a template repository that contains a tests.yaml file. tests.yaml dictates how hot will spin up deployments and test them. Use the public memcached template repo as a starting point for using hot.

Creating Template Tests

Tests are specified in the tests.yaml file in the root of the template repo.

hot supports template yaml sytax checking, stack build success verification, and highly-flexible fabric-based integration testing to test the resulting servers using envassert and any other methods possible in a python script.

An example tests.yaml file for the memcached deployment mentioned above:

- name: Default Build Test # Deploy using all default options
    timeout: 30 # Deployment should complete in under 30 minutes
  resource_tests: # Tests to run on the resources themselves
    ssh_private_key: { get_output: private_key } # Fetch from output-list of stack
    ssh_key_file: tmp/private_key # File to write with ssh_private_key
    - memcached_server:
          # Fabric environment settings to use while running envassert script
          # http://docs.fabfile.org/en/latest/usage/env.html
            user: root
            key_filename: tmp/private_key
            hosts: { get_output: server_ip } # Fetch from output-list of stack
              - check
            abort_on_prompts: True
            connection_attempts: 3
            disable_known_hosts: True
            use_ssh_config: True
            fabfile: test/fabric/memcached_server.py # Path to envassert test

The yaml syntax checks and build success verification happen by default for each test-case. The test memcached-server invokes fabric against the ip addresses contained in the stack output server_ip using the fabfile at the path test/fabric/memcached_server.py, running the fabric task check.

This task uses envassert to ensure the server is in the desired state:

def check():
    assert package.installed("memcached")
    assert file.exists("/etc/memcached.conf")
    assert port.is_listening(11211)
    assert process.is_up("memcached")
    assert service.is_enabled("memcached")

If an exception is encountered, the test is considered failed.

While envassert is useful for basic server state checks, any python code may be used in the fabfile. The code runs in the context of a fabric session, so fabric methods such as run() and get() are available to execute remote commands and inspect their output. See the fabric API docs for more options.

Here is an example function to check the state of an application and the associated fabric task to invoke it:

import re
from fabric.api import env, run, hide, task

def vestacp_is_responding():
    with hide('running', 'stdout'):
        homepage = run('curl --insecure https://localhost:8083/login/')
        if re.search('Vesta Control Panel', homepage):
            return True
            return False

def check():
    assert vestacp_is_responding(), 'vestacp did not respond as expected.'

If the /login endpoint does not return a document containing the string Vesta Control Panel, the test will fail, and the string vestacp did not respond as expected. will appear in the stack trace.