Skew is a package for identifying and enumerating cloud resources.
The name is a homonym for SKU (Stock Keeping Unit). Skew allows you to
define different SKU schemes
which are a particular encoding of a
SKU. Skew then allows you to use this scheme pattern and regular expressions
based on the scheme pattern to identify and enumerate a resource or set
of resources.
At the moment, the the only available scheme
is the ARN
scheme uses the basic structure of
Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to assign a unique identifier to every AWS
An example ARN pattern would be:
This pattern identifies a specific EC2 instance running in the us-west-2
region under the account ID 123456789012
. The account ID is the 12-digit
unique identifier for a specific AWS account as described
To allow skew to find your account number, you need to add it to your
botocore/AWSCLI config file. For example:
[profile prod]
aws_access_key_id = <my access key>
aws_secret_access_key = <my secret key>
region = us-west-2
account_id = 123456789012
Skew will look through all of the profiles defined in your config file and
keep track of all of the ones that have an account_id
associated with
The main purpose of skew is to identify resources or sets of resources across services, regions, and accounts and to quickly and easily return the data associated with those resources. For example, if you wanted to return the data associated with the example ARN above:
from skew import scan
arn = scan('arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:123456789012:instance/i-12345678')
for resource in arn:
The call to scan
returns an ARN object which implements the
iterator pattern
and returns a Resource
object for each AWS resource that matches the
ARN pattern provided. The Resource
object contains all of the data
associated with the AWS resource in dictionary under the data
Any of the elements of the ARN can be replaced with a regular expression.
The simplest regular expression is *
which means all available choices.
So, for example:
arn = scan('arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:*:instance/*')
would return an iterator for all EC2 instances in the us-east-1
found in all accounts defined in the config file.
To find all DynamoDB tables in all US regions for the account ID 234567890123 you would use:
arn = scan('arn:aws:dynamodb:us-.*:234567890123:table/*')
In addition to making the metadata about a particular AWS resource available
to you, skew
also tries to make it easy to access the available CloudWatch
metrics for a given resource.
For example, assume that you had did a scan
on the original ARN above
and had the resource associated with that instance available as the variable
. You could do the following:
>>> instance.metric_names
The metric_names
attribute returns the list of available CloudWatch metrics
for this resource. The retrieve the metric data for one of these:
>>> instance.get_metric_data('CPUUtilization')
[{u'Average': 0.134, u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T14:04:00Z', u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.066, u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T13:54:00Z', u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.066, u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T14:09:00Z', u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.134, u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T13:34:00Z', u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.066, u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T14:19:00Z', u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.068, u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T13:44:00Z', u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.134, u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T14:14:00Z', u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.066, u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T13:29:00Z', u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.132, u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T13:59:00Z', u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.134, u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T13:49:00Z', u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.134, u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T13:39:00Z', u'Unit': 'Percent'}]
You can also customize the data returned rather than using the default settings:
>>> instance.get_metric_data('CPUUtilization', hours=8, statistics=['Average', 'Minimum', 'Maximum'])
[{u'Average': 0.132,
u'Maximum': 0.33,
u'Minimum': 0.0,
u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T10:54:00Z',
u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.134,
u'Maximum': 0.34,
u'Minimum': 0.0,
u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T14:04:00Z',
u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.066,
u'Maximum': 0.33,
u'Minimum': 0.0,
u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T08:34:00Z',
u'Unit': 'Percent'},
{u'Average': 0.134,
u'Maximum': 0.34,
u'Minimum': 0.0,
u'Timestamp': '2014-09-29T08:04:00Z',
u'Unit': 'Percent'}]
Each resource that is retrieved is a Python dictionary. Some of these (e.g.
an EC2 Instance) can be quite large and complex. Skew allows you to filter
the data returned by applying a jmespath query to
the resulting data. If you aren't familiar with jmespath, check it out.
Its a very powerful query language for JSON data and has full support in
Python as well as a number of other languages such as Ruby, PHP, and
Javascript. It is also the query language used in the
AWSCLI so if you are familiar with the
option there, you can use the same thing with skew.
To specify a query to be applied to results of a scan, simply append
the query to the end of the ARN, separated by a |
(pipe) character.
For example:
Would retrieve the data for this particular EC2 instance and would then
filter the returned data through the (very) simple jmespath query to which
retrieves the value of the attribute InstanceType
within the data. The
filtered data is available as the filtered_data
attribute of the
Resource object. The full, unfiltered data is still available as the