Promise Test!

This repo contains a simple little quiz/test to challenge you're ability to work with Promises.

It was prompted by the following tweet:

screenshot of above linked tweet


  1. git clone
  2. npm install

How to take the test.

  1. Open the test.js file
  2. Read the test code (all of it)
  3. For each expect(result).to.equal("???"); replace "???" with what you "think" the result will be.
  4. Once you've filled in an answer for each of the tests/questions run npm test at the command prompt and see how you did.

Good luck!

P.S. I like to think I'm pretty good with promises, but I got question #3 wrong the first time I tried it 😢.

P.P.S. Read the following post to get some background on the original tweet above (and the answers)