
Cozmo animation sets

Primary LanguagePython

Cozmo animations

This repository contains the recordings for 348 Cozmo animations (app version 1.5.0), as well as a script to run the animations. You can use these recordings for your experiments, further validation of these animations, or use the code to run/call individual animations.

Recordings were made in Summer 2017. The complete list of the animations can be found in the anim_record.csv file.

The animation group name (e.g., ‘ask’, ‘badword’, ‘turtleroll’, ‘hiccup’) were used to subjectively classify the animation as either social or not social. The social animations (348) were then recorded and rated by independent raters (n = 264).

The code for this experiment can be found in the emotion classification repository.


Use the the code to call individual animations

  1. Turn Cozmo on
  2. Connect to the SDK
  3. Run a command, for example:

python record_anim.py -index_list=97

The full specification is:

python record_anim.py -h (--help) [-i (--index) -n (--name) --name_list= --index_list=]

For help add: -h (--help) Show the help string

To start from a specific point do:
-i= (--index=) Play all animation starting from given id
python record_anim.py -i=8
play animation starting from 'Animation number=8' from anim database

-n= (--name=) Play all animation starting from given id
python record_anim.py -n=anim_hiccup_01
play animation starting from 'Animation name=anim_hiccup_01' from anim database

Logging arguments:
--name_list= Play only animation names provided. (Do not put space between animation names)
python record_anim.py -name_list=anim_hiccup_01,anim_dizzy_pickup_03,anim_keepaway_wingame_03

--index_list= Optional last argument to ignore logging to file
python record_anim.py -index_list=1,6,23,189,76