
Emotion classification framework for Cozmo experiment at https://www.soba-lab.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is the git repository for the validation study for classifying emotions as displayed by Cozmo that was run in fall 2019.

The study was built using jsPsych, a JavaScript library for running behavioral experiments in a web browser.

If you would like to run the code on a local computer, follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to this folder (containing index.php) in a terminal window.
  2. Enter this command: php -S localhost:8000 (PHP needs to be installed on your machine, but is installed by default on many systems.)
  3. Open the address specified above in any web browser (e.g. Firefox, Google Chrome)
  4. To run the experiment with a given prolific id, append /your_id_here to the URL.

The number behind the colon in the URL is the port number. Without elevated privileges, many ports are blocked by default for security purposes. Port 8000 should work in any case because it's not a port that's usually used by another connection. If you run into issues, it might help to try a different port number.