
Easily add imgix functionality to your Ember app

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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An Ember addon for easily adding responsive imagery via imgix to your application.

Note: Front-end imgix libraries and framework integrations will not work with imgix Web Proxy Sources. They will only work with imgix Web Folder or S3 Sources.


From within an existing ember-cli project:

$ ember install ember-cli-imgix

Next, set up some configuration flags:

// config/environment.js

module.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {
    // snip
    APP: {
      imgix: {
        source: 'my-social-network.imgix.net',
        debug: true // Prints out diagnostic information on the image itself. Turn off in production.
    // snip


ember-cli-imgix exposes a new image container that works will for creating responsive images. It is a <div> element with a single <img> child element. Adding them to your templates is quite easy:

{{imgix-image path="/users/1.png"}}

The HTML generated by this might look like the following:

  <img src="https://my-social-network.com/users/1.png?w=400&h=300&dpr=1" />

The src attribute will have imgix URL API parameters added to it to perform the resize.


For an unwrapped <img> element, use the {{imgix-image-element}} component. This component can also accept an aspectRatio parameter:

{{imgix-image-element path="/users/1.png" crossorigin="anonymous" aspectRatio=1.33}}

This will maintain the same aspect ratio as the image is resized.

Please see the dummy app for insight into setting this up and configuring this.

Running a test app

To see this in action with some stock photos, clone this repo and then run ember serve

git clone git@github.com:imgix/ember-cli-imgix.git
cd ember-cli-imgix
ember serve

Now visit http://localhost:4200.

Running Tests

Pretty simple:

ember test