
🐱 Simple app to make sure me and my girlfriend are cleaning the damn litter box.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


🐱 Simple app to make sure me and my girlfriend are cleaning the damn litter box.


  1. Create a config.json file in app's root directory based off of config.template.json
  2. Replace the info in the participants array matching this format:
        "name": "ethan",
        "number": "+15555555555", <-- this format is important!
        "karma": 0
        "name": "emilie",
        "number": "+15555555555", <-- this format is important!
        "karma": 0
  1. Set preferences object to proper format:
    "alertTime": https://www.npmjs.com/package/cron,
    "timezone": http://momentjs.com/timezone
  1. npm i
  2. npm start