
DSL for HTML generation. Supports Clojure and ClojureScript.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


DSL for HTML generation. Supports Clojure and ClojureScript.

Based on ideas and some code from Hoplon.


Add the following to your project dependencies:

[stch-library/html "0.1.2"]

API Documentation


Note: This library uses stch.schema. Please refer to that project page for more information regarding type annotations and their meaning.

How to use

The following examples are all in Clojure.

(use 'stch.html)

(defhtml main [users]
      (title "My Page"))
          (h1 "Users"))
        (ul :id "users"
          (for [x users]
            (li x))))
      (footer "Copyright 2014"))))

(main ["Billy" "Bobby"])
; "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>My Page</title></head><body><section><header><h1>Users</h1></header><ul id=\"users\"><li>Billy</li><li>Bobby</li></ul></section><footer>Copyright 2014</footer></body></html>"

(deffrag user [id first-name]
  (div :id id first-name))

(user 1 "Billy")
; (#stch.html.Element{:tag "div", :attrs {:id 1}, :children ["Billy"]})

The first thing you'll notice is that we're calling fns instead of creating vectors of keywords. This has a number of advantages. First, the code itself is less cluttered and looks more like plain html. Second, we can compose html in really cool ways.

Child node appending:

(def users
    (li "Billy")
    (li "Bobby")))

(->html users)
; "<ul><li>Billy</li><li>Bobby</li></ul>"

Let's append an li element to our ul.

(-> (users (li "Joey"))
; "<ul><li>Billy</li><li>Bobby</li><li>Joey</li></ul>"

Attribute appending:

(def page-title
  (h1 :class "big" "My Page Title"))

(->html page-title)
; "<h1 class=\"big\">My Page Title</h1>"

Let's add an id and one more class to our h1.

(->html (page-title :id "my-page" :class "blue"))
; "<h1 class=\"big blue\" id=\"my-page\">My Page Title</h1>"

This turns out to be really useful when you want to create fns that return generic html (think form elements like select) and add a specific class without having to pass a map of attributes up front.

Let's take a look at an example.

(use 'stch.html.form)

(def states [["CA" "California"]
             ["FL" "Florida"]])

(def sel
  (->select "states" states))

(->html sel)
; "<select name=\"states\"><option value=\"CA\">California</option><option value=\"FL\">Florida</option></select>"

(->html (sel :class "us-states"))
; "<select name=\"states\" class=\"us-states\"><option value=\"CA\">California</option><option value=\"FL\">Florida</option></select>"

(-> (sel :class "us-states"
      (option :value "NY" "New York"))
; "<select name=\"states\" class=\"us-states\"><option value=\"CA\">California</option><option value=\"FL\">Florida</option><option value=\"NY\">New York</option></select>"

Here are the ways that you can pass args to an element fn.

No attributes, no children.

; #stch.html.Element{:tag "div", :attrs {}, :children []}

Keyword attributes.

(div :class "big" :id "my-div")
; #stch.html.Element{:tag "div", :attrs {:class "big", :id "my-div"}, :children []}

Map of attributes, where the keys are keywords and the values are any value that can be converted into a string.

(div {:class "big" :id "my-div"})
; #stch.html.Element{:tag "div", :attrs {:class "big", :id "my-div"}, :children []}

No attributes, with children.

; #stch.html.Element{:tag "ul", :attrs {}, :children [#stch.html.Element{:tag "li", :attrs {}, :children []} #stch.html.Element{:tag "li", :attrs {}, :children []}]}

Attributes and children.

(ul :class "user-list"
  (li :class "user" "Billy")
  (li :class "user" "Bobby"))
; #stch.html.Element{:tag "ul", :attrs {:class "user-list"}, :children [#stch.html.Element{:tag "li", :attrs {:class "user"}, :children ["Billy"]} #stch.html.Element{:tag "li", :attrs {:class "user"}, :children ["Bobby"]}]}

Element functions return an stch.html.Element record. It's best to keep your markup in this form as long as possible. When you're ready to convert to a string, use the ->html fn.

(def user-list
  (ul :class "user-list"
    (li :class "user" "Billy")
    (li :class "user" "Bobby")))

(->html user-list)
; "<ul class=\"user-list\"><li class=\"user\">Billy</li><li class=\"user\">Bobby</li></ul>"

class attribute

The class attribute is special in that you can pass a String, Set, or Sequential type (vector, list, etc.) to it. Let's take a look at some examples.

(->html (div :class "big bold"))
; "<div class=\"big bold\"></div>"

(->html (div :class #{"big" "bold"}))
; "<div class=\"big bold\"></div>"

(->html (div :class ["big" "bold"]))
; "<div class=\"big bold\"></div>"


There are two macros that can be used to define functions that contains html elements.

(defhtml user [name age]
  (div :class "user-name" name)
  (div :class "user-age" age))

(user "Billy" 35)
; "<div class=\"user-name\">Billy</div><div class=\"user-age\">35</div>"

defhtml automatically wraps the fn body in a call to ->html.

(deffrag user [name age]
  (div :class "user-name" name)
  (div :class "user-age" age))

(user "Billy" 35)
; (#stch.html.Element{:tag "div", :attrs {:class "user-name"}, :children ["Billy"]} #stch.html.Element{:tag "div", :attrs {:class "user-age"}, :children [35]})

deffrag, on the other hand, does not call ->html. It does wrap the fn body in a list.


Text nodes are automatically escaped for security. If you need to render a string without having it escaped, wrap it in a call to raw.

; Escaped
(->html "<script></script>")
; "&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;"

; Unescaped
(->html (raw "<script></script>"))
; "<script></script>"

Form helpers

There are a few form helper functions.

(def states [["CA" "California"]
             ["FL" "Florida"]])

(->html (->options states))
; "<option value=\"CA\">California</option><option value=\"FL\">Florida</option>"

(->html (->select "states" states "CA"))
; "<select name=\"states\"><option selected=\"selected\" value=\"CA\">California</option><option value=\"FL\">Florida</option></select>"

(->html (->radio "states" states "CA"))
; "<input checked=\"checked\" type=\"radio\" name=\"states\" value=\"CA\" id=\"states-0\"><label class=\"form-radio-label\" for=\"states-0\">California</label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"states\" value=\"FL\" id=\"states-1\"><label class=\"form-radio-label\" for=\"states-1\">Florida</label>"

(->html (->checkbox "states" states "CA"))
; "<input checked=\"checked\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"states\" value=\"CA\" id=\"states-0\"><label class=\"form-checkbox-label\" for=\"states-0\">California</label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"states\" value=\"FL\" id=\"states-1\"><label class=\"form-checkbox-label\" for=\"states-1\">Florida</label>"


Finally there are some fns for generating common doctypes.

; #stch.html.Doctype{:declaration "html"}
; #stch.html.Doctype{:declaration "HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"\n\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\""}
; #stch.html.Doctype{:declaration "HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"\n\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\""}


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