🤖 Course Prerequisites for Robotics Engineering

🤓 Overview and learning outcomes

In this assignment you will get your first exposure to the GitHub environment which we will use extensively this year. At the same time, you will become familiar with the various parts of the course website and some of the tools used in the class. 🚀


Complete all of the steps below by the beginning of our next class:

  • Locate our two textbooks for the course. They are both online and free. The first is an electronics textbook called Lessons in Electric Circuits. The second is a programming textbook called Think Python. Bookmark those websites in case you need them later.
  • Sign up for an OnShape account by following the instructions in the OnShape Account Setup section of this site.
  • Complete the Mechatronics Lab Code of Conduct Agreement. You will be given a copy of this in class but this link is available in case you need another.