
Learning loops and conditionals in Python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

🤖 Loops and Conditionals

🤓 Overview and learning outcomes

Decision making and iteration are the key to robotics applications. Finally, we will begin to build some "intelligence" into the programs we will write in Python. In this lab you will learn to use loops and conditionals like while, for, if, elif and else as well as Boolean Arguments.

The goal of this lab assignment is to introduce you to loops and conditionals so you may begin to build some complexity into your programs. 🚀

Over the course of this lab you will do a number of things:

  1. Practice using while and for loops for iteration.
  2. Begin to practice with conditionals.
  3. Build Boolean Arguments for robotic decision making.
  4. Utilize Git on your Raspberry Pi to make changes.

💻 Terms to know

  • conditionals
  • loops
  • iteration
  • for
  • while
  • if
  • else
  • elif
  • Boolean Arguments
  • indentation

📝 Next steps

  1. Complete the work in the notebook here (5.4.1-Python_Programs_Variables_Strings.ipynb) using the CoLab interface.
  2. Using GIT, add the repo to your raspberry pi.
  3. Using NANO and the terminal in your pi, create a new text file called "observations.txt" and write what you learned in this lab.
  4. Commit and Push the code to your repo so that I will be able to read your new text file from GitHub.

📚 Resources

Think Python Textbook

Raspberry Pi Foundation - Getting Started with Git