
JIRA reporting for Instructure

Primary LanguageRuby


Jr is a gem to assist in reporting from JIRA on ticket counts, availability of engineers, and current work. It is mostly specific to Instructure's usage of JIRA.

It relies on two things: a .jrrc file in your $HOME directory, and $JIRA_USERNAME and $JIRA_PASSWORD environment variables.

In your .jrrc file, you define a JSON object, whose root keys are the names of your projects. Each project relies on two keys: a site attribute, which specifies the root url of your JIRA instance, and a jql attribute, which is a JQL string that will specify the issues that will be pulled for reporting of that particular project.


Tasks are the reporting commands you can supply to Jr on the command line. There are currently three tasks:

  • all Reports all tickets that match the project's specified JQL.
  • current Reports the current tickets from the project that are being worked on, with the ticket id, assignee, summary, and time since creation.
  • points Reports the total, active, and closed story points in the specified project.

Example Usage

$ JIRA_USERNAME=jsmith JIRA_PASSWORD=hunter12 jr my_project points