Script can be installed on any Debian based Linux device on your network. Adapt the configuration-file to your requirements, start the test procedure and wait until its done. Check the logs/ for errors and summary in /reports
It runs locally in your network, no data is sent anywhere. Icons come from the internet.
Clone, edit userconfig/ and run the script. Script will scan your local network (if SUBNET is defined) otherwise it will cycle on IPs you have defined in HOSTS variable.
It will create logins based on the configuration file and run different tests/ to see if the board is working properly. You can start with predefined credentials or use your own.
All you need to do is configure the configuration file, hook up the power and network cable and you are ready for running the test.
That's it.
Download the latest armbian image for your board(s). We recommend to use .torrent because this does the file integrity check for you automatically. Write the data to the SDcard
Put the SDcard into your device, power it up and let it sit for 1-2 minutes, to do the standard initial setup.
- Go to a folder where you want to store it. The following command will create a folder called 'autotests'. Clone the sources from Github and open the folder autotests:
apt install git
git clone
cd autotests
- Edit
- change number of passes (optional)
- change stress time in seconds (optional)
What is your device(s) IP-Address or do you have a dedicated subnet for your devices. To find the device, check your router or use this tool, to find your boards IP-Address(es). - set IP-Address (HOSTS) or Subnet (Examle: - set WLAN_SSID and password (2,4 and/or 5,0GHz) - set BLUEDEV MAC-Address of a Blueooth device (Android phone for example)
How to find the Bluetooth MAC-Address on your mobile or Linux device with BT? Put your phone's BT to discoverable mode and run:
hcitool scan
on a Linux computer that has a BT-Dongle. On an Android device you find the MAC-Address in the phones settings/about the phone/Status.
- Run 👍 : The script will display which board gets tested
- Once finished, go to
and check latest report.`
It Connects to the host(s) or all Armbian hosts in your subnet and runs the tests found in folder tests in alphabetical order.
Example report:
test name | function |
0000-read-board-data.bash | Read board OS information |
0001-nigtly-stable-switch.bash | Switching between nightly and stable, odd/even |
0002-update-and-upgrade.bash | Upgrade all packages |
0008-connect-wireless-devices-on-2.4Ghz.bash | Connects wireless devices on 2.4G band |
0013-iperf-on-all-wired-interfaces.bash | Check speed on all wired devices |
0014-iperf-on-all-wireless-interfaces.bash | Check speed on all wireless devices |
0015-connect-wireless-devices-on-5.0Ghz.bash | Connects wireless devices on 5G band |
0017-iperf-on-all-wireless-interfaces.bash | Check speed on all wireless devices |
0018-io-tests-memory.bash | Determine maximum memory random write speed |
0019-io-tests-drive.bash | Determine maximum SD/eMMC random write speed |
0111-bluetoth.bash | Ping Bluetooth device to check basic BT functionality |
0115-strong-stressing.bash | Running heavy stressing for n seconds |
0116-dvfs.bash | Get min and max CPU temperature to see if DVFS is operational |
0119-7-zip-benchmark.bash.disabled | Run 7Zip benchmark |
9999-reboot.bash | Reboot the board |
- parallel processing
- implement official SBC-bench with access to full logs
- improve errors catching
- implement iperf queue to prevent colisions on network testing
- create JSON data export for single board and together
- common data collecting
- support custom test board