
This app look for all BTC pairs on Poloniex exchange and displays the status of the MACD indicator for all at once.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Poloniex MACD Hunter App

Try it online: https://poloniexmacdhunter.herokuapp.com/

This app look for all BTC pairs on Poloniex exchange and displays the status of the MACD indicator for all at once.

The status is composed of:

  • Histogram: Shows positive if the MACD line is above de signal line, or negative if bellow.
  • Last Cross: Shows how many hours the last crossing of the MACD line and signal line occurred, in 4 hour timeframe.
  • MACD above zero: Shows whether the macd line is above zero. (yes/no)

Running on local host

You will need a local PHP server, as well as a database management system(MySQL or PostgreSQL).

Verify: https://www.apachefriends.org

Install Composer Dependency Manager: https://getcomposer.org/

Clone this repo to your localhost folder, and run: composer install

Create a database named "poloniex" and configure the file connect_db (if running MySQL) or connect_db_pg(if running PostgreSQL) with the server info.

On your browser open the admin.php file and press the button "check database" verify the connection. If connected successfully you are ready to proceed.


On the admin page you have the options to create, drop, fill, update, and see the status of the tables.

To start using the app you need to create the tables, fill them, and click the run button.

To update the tables, just click the update button, and it will verify the last update and actualize the table in a 4h timeframe.

By default the table start with 150 periods of 4h, and look only for BTC pairs.

You can change this behaviour in the fill_table_coins and fill_table_data (MySQL database), or fill_table_coins_pg and fill_table_data_pg (PostgreSQL database).

To automate the table update you can create a cron-job on your system.