Kernel Template Library: STL-style containers and tools for Windows kernel space programming

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Kernel Template Library is open-source library providing CRT environment, STL-style containers and RAII tools for Windows Kernel programming.


License Lines of Code


  • C Runtime environment

    • Exception handling mechanism (now for x64 only)
    • Buffer security checks
    • C++ Standard compatible termination if execution is run out of control
    • Construction and destruction of the non-trivial static objects
    • Memory allocation using new and delete
    • Filesystem Mini-Filter support routines
  • C++ Standard Library implementation

    • <atomic> (now for x86 and x64 only)
    • Optimized, C++ Standard compatible <algorithm> library
    • <allocator> with standard allocators for different pool types
    • Boost-based implementation of the compressed_pair
    • Exceptions objects hierarchy (std::exception analog optimized for use in the kernel)
    • Iterators
    • MSVC-intrinsic-based coroutines
    • Mutexes, events and condition variables based on kernel synchronization primitives with RAII wrappers
    • Smart pointers (unique_ptr, shared_ptr and weak_ptr, intrusive_ptr)
    • <type_traits>
    • <thread> for managing driver-dedicated threads
    • <tuple>
    • <optional> with constexpr support
    • unordered_node_map, unordered_node_set, unordered_flat_map and unordered_flat_set using robin-hood-hashing
    • <vector>
    • Lock-free queue, node_allocator and some auxiliary algorithms
    • fmt as a string formatting library
    • Designed in C++17, feel free to build with C++20
  • CMake

    • Building of kernel drivers
    • Generating a test-signing certificate
    • Driver signing

Complete documentation in progress.

Installation & Usage

You can use KTL directly as driver CMake project subdirectory or link with pre-built KTL binaries applying find_package().

It includes 3 static libraries:

  • basic_runtime.lib (CRT)
  • cpp_runtime.lib (C++ tools)
  • minifilter_runtime.lib (optional Filesystem Mini-Filter support)

CMakeLists.txt to build with a pre-built KTL:

    project(MyDriver CXX)

    find_package(WDK REQUIRED)  # Windows Driver Kit
    find_package(KTL REQUIRED)

      ${DRIVER_NAME} minifilter.cpp
        CUSTOM_ENTRY_POINT KtlDriverEntry   # Required for C and C++ Runtime initialization and destruction
		    EXTENDED_CPP_FEATURES               # Exceptions handling enabled
		    ${KTL_MODULES_DIR}                  # Lock-Free tools
    wdk_sign_driver(        # Driver signing (in this example - using given certificate)
		    TIMESTAMP_SERVER ${YOUR_TIMESTAMP_SERVER} # Default is timestamp.verisign.com

Build requirements:

  • WDK10
  • Visual Studio 2019 (not tested on older versions)
  • CMake 3.0 and higher
  • FindWDK (used as a Git submodule)


  • CoroDriverSample - a simple driver demonstrating the use of C++20 coroutines in kernel mode

Roadmap for the near future

  • Linked lists and Red-Black-Tree containers
  • Intrusive containers
  • Coroutine-compatible async primitives
  • Exception handling on the x86 platforms