SourceCodeSimplifier project

Source code simplification tool intended for converting some specific constructions of C# into more simple ones for simplification of further porting process into another languages (e.g. string interpolation, object initializers etc).

Phase 0:

  1. implementation of core of SourceCodeSimplifier app (implemented)
  2. implementation of app configuring via config file in XML format (implemented)
  3. implementation of manage different transformers via config file (implemented)

Phase 1:

  1. implementation of transformer for object initializer expressions (implemented)
  2. implementation of transformer for nameof expressions (implemented)
  3. implementation of transformer for string interpolation expression (implemented)
  4. implementation of transformer for null-conditional operators (implemented)
  5. implementation of transformer for out inline variables (implemented)

Phase 2:

  1. implementation of transformer for expression-bodied properties and methods
  2. implementation of transformer for properties with initializer
  3. implementation of transformer for simple pattern match expressions: type casting and null checking
  4. implementation of transformer for yield expression
  5. implementation of transformer for Assert.Multiple call
  6. implementation of ability for source code copying