
I will record my Haskell learning process. I will collect working code here also.

Primary LanguageHaskell


You can start with one of the learning source below. Type and compile some files and projects at examples/

This will be similar to the Rust Full Stack repository for Rust.


  • Include CLI with mongodb to prod folder or private repositroy. (WIP, should organize this.)
  • Follow this for movie-monad




Install hlint and other vsc plugin to help you write the better Haskell code from the beginning.

$curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh (This installs stack)
$stack install hlint
// Then, install haskell, haskell-linter, error lens vsc plugin etc.


I should include more examples.

Blog posts

You can also read other blog posts from the authors of those links.