
Monorepo for Strudel Finance

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Monorepo for Strudel Finance

Strudel Finance is the first one-way, trustless bridge linking Bitcoin to Ethereum. The bridge can only be crossed by burning BTC on the Bitcoin blockchain and receiving an equal amount vBTC on Ethereum. The action is irreversable.

The purpose of the Strudel is two-fold:

  1. Integrating the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems tightly with each other. By equiping BTC with the ERC20 interface and smart-contract interoperability it becomes more versatile. Furthermore, it's supply can be locked into protocols for lending, options and other DeFi use-cases, reducing its volatility and potentially increasing market value.
  2. Reducing systemic risk in the ecosystem, as introduced by trusted bridge solutions like $REN and $WBTC. Not only do these bridges lock BTC in insecure multisig setups (<8 signers), but they raise concerns of total value collapse causing harm to protocols locking these assets.

vBTC is the better wrappend BTC! With a fully auditable supply and no risk of compromise it is the asset of choice for traders and DeFi users.

Read more about Strudel on medium and follow us on twitter.


Package Description
@strudelfinance/onchain Contracts and all the business logic
@strudelfinance/frontend Web App for burning and farming
@strudelfinance/backend Backend services, supporting frontend


Ethereum Mainnet

$TRDL token: 0x297d33e17e61c2ddd812389c2105193f8348188a

vBTC token: 0xe1406825186d63980fd6e2ec61888f7b91c4bae4

vBCH token: 0xb5badfa6e69728adba44d67c98b05f1d1d40182e

g$TRDL token: 0x64d506ba9ba0cc9f0326cc72f134e754df0e2aff

governance MultiSig: 0xb61b683cDccCa879166885841004586847bE793C

Binance Smart Chain

$TRDL token: 0x297d33e17e61c2ddd812389c2105193f8348188a

vBCH token: 0xb5badfa6e69728adba44d67c98b05f1d1d40182e

governance MultiSig: 0x02734aCa8026b34EE15D9DE6a620823EbCcD2548


$TRDL token: 0x8a3937950BF912c1680b7366DB4D1731E45F7fAA

vBTC token: 0xDb29b395e5E216593C406D9ecC3222580c636Fd4

governance MultiSig: 0x1567442538f5f0d0411DED1F701d95fc79E80197