
AI fun

Primary LanguagePython

The state of AI

I do know nothing about tensors, fancy AI, models and such but I do know about coding, HPC and storage formats, so I will populate or not this repo with classic IT security related stuff that I find myself funny about AI.

The usual topic is code execution, which should not be possible by just loading data (models) since few people would expect that they could execute malware when fetching pre-trained models from somewhere. If you do expect that, this repo might not be for you but it is still considered fun for me since I quite know how data is handled in scientific environments.

If folks are using models to be loaded on drones, you can pop drones! :)

I was pointed to a link so someone already had fun with TensorFlow in past and all credits should go there. Since the attack surface for model loading is just too obvious it is also safe to assume that more people (the known unknowns) had their fun with it in past. So it is interesting to see that AI security is widely anticipated as prompt-bypassing or mis-training of models on conferences and media but only few people are doing it right. However when I hear prompt, I certainly think of something different. :)

There also exist tables for a safety overview, but it has to be read with caution, e.g. their safety assumption for h5 files is wrong (see TensorFlow section).


One of the big Python frameworks for AI. One issue that can be found in this repo can be exploited by passing model data as plain Pickle so that the legacy loader is transparently invoked. Usually PyTorch has a much more sophisticated storage format consisting of a zip file with a certain structure.

Code Exec demo during model load, popping xeyes on the screen

The version I tested was 2.1.2.

The more recent model saving format consists of a zip file containing __torch__.py files and such but I wasn't able to exec arbitrary code with it as the loader seems to be a stripped down python. But that doesn't say anything, it might just work later in time. If you happen to find a code exec there, just open a ticket here.


The other big Python framework for AI. I haven't checked in depth yet but it looks like it is also using Pickle. However, there are safe ways to use Pickle, so its left to check for the details.

TensorFlow is supporting various formats such as legacy TF, HDF5 (Hirarchical Data Format) and the new Keras v3 format. The latter has got a safe_mode for a reason (False by default) when loading saved models, since TensorFlow models can have Lambda functions attached which can be executed upon load. However, depending on actual used version and local package config, the Keras code integrated into their upstream repo might not yet profit from the safe_mode (seems to be quite new feature?). No such safe-mode with the HDF5 (h5) format. IOW you can create and save a model that contains Base64 encoded Python bytecode that gets executed during load. The dedicated subdir contains PoC code but not the model itself (as with PyTorch) since it contains much more data, so you have to call create-model.py first. The version I tested was 2.15.0.

To be noted, that if you rename a h5 file to model.keras it still loads by the same function tf.keras.models.load_model() with the vulnerable h5 loader, similar with PyTorch that tries to be as convenient as possible when detecting storage formats.


Multi-framework API. In some of their versions there is a safe_mode check (default set to disable Lambda execution) but it is not found in the fork thats integrated in TensorFlow so it is unclear which versions benefit from it.


PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning framework from China. Also using Pickle as storage format and making a note on its security implications in their docu. If you check the docu, it looks a lot like PyTorch.


The original one and only real Torch written in Lua but seems to be discontinued.


Not an AI framework but the foundation for a lot of data science stuff. Their Pickle issue was fixed quite a while ago by setting allow_pickle=False by default in the load() function. However this will strip off a lot of functionallity thats commonly required for the npy persistence.


ONNX is a data format used for exchanging model data. It is based on Protobuf, so a simple code smuggling as with Pickle is not possible. However, it is subject to research. A problem with ONNX related to PyTorch can arise, since PyTorch is filename-agnostic so that a file ending in .onnx could still be loaded as Pickle data, if the scientist as per confusion is just using torch.load() instead of onnx.load().


A storage format for Tensors but you can't store entire models with it, so its not quite suitable for the discussion here when you want to load pre-trained models.