
A sort-of portable way to get a more usable shell prompt

Primary LanguageShell

This is a small, organized bash config and .inputrc to quicken the path to a usable shell on a new machine.

(ex: cloud shells, docker containers, or k8s pods)

I made this to install on new servers quickly and help new folks have a better time in their shell.

This setup is nice without taking on the complexities and inconsistencies of zsh or fish.

install /w git

git clone https://github.com/stealthybox/bashrc-simple
( cd bashrc-simple; ./link.sh )
# any files that are overridden will be backed up as ${file}.old
# open another terminal, check for any problems


This will iterate through the files in the repo, and attempt to recover the previous ones from ${file}.old.

( cd bashrc-simple-main; ./unlink.sh )


Feel free to fork this and make it your own!
Modify the prompt here: .bashrc.d/1_sh/prompt.sh
See the available colors here: .bashrc.d/0_lib/colors.sh

install /w wget

wget https://github.com/stealthybox/bashrc-simple/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
unzip main.zip
\rm main.zip
( cd bashrc-simple-main; ./link.sh )

install /w curl

curl -Lo main.zip https://github.com/stealthybox/bashrc-simple/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
unzip main.zip
\rm main.zip
( cd bashrc-simple-main; ./link.sh )