
The Flux website and user documentation

Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Netlify Status

This repo houses the assets used to build the Flux project's landing page at https://fluxcd.io.

Note: The sources for some of Flux's documentation are housed in the other Flux repositories within https://github.com/fluxcd. Issues and pull requests for this documentation should be registered at that repos.

Project Docs Site Github Source
Flux v1 https://docs.fluxcd.io https://github.com/fluxcd/flux
Helm Operator https://docs.fluxcd.io/projects/helm-operator/ https://github.com/fluxcd/helm-operator
Flux v2 https://fluxcd.io/docs https://github.com/fluxcd/website

We are in the process of moving everything into this repository: /fluxcd/website. The work can be tracked here: fluxcd#76.

How to modify this website

The main landing page of this website can be modified in config.toml.

All other content lives in the content directory:

  • ./content/en/blog contains all blog posts - make sure you update the front-matter for posts to show up correctly.
  • ./external-sources/ defines how files from other repositories are pulled in. We currently do this for Markdown files from the /fluxcd/community and /fluxcd/.github repositories. (make gen-content pulls these in.)
  • Flux CLI docs (cmd) and components docs: under ./content/en/docs but pulled in through in make gen-content as well.

Running the site locally

In order to run the Flux site locally, you need to install:

  • Node.js
  • The Hugo static site generator. Make sure to install the "extended" variant of Hugo with support for the Hugo Pipes feature and to check the netlify.toml configuration file for which version of Hugo you should install.

Once those tools are installed, fetch the assets necessary to run the site:

npm install
make theme

Then run the site in "server" mode:

make serve

Navigate to http://localhost:1313 to see the site running in your browser. As you make updates to the site, the browser will immediately update to reflect those changes.

Publishing the site

The Flux website is published automatically by Netlify when changes are pushed to the main branch. The site does not need to be published manually.

Preview builds

When you submit a pull request to this repository, Netlify builds a "deploy preview" of your changes. You can see that preview by clicking on the deploy/netlify link in the pull request window.

Local Development (docker)

Run make docker-preview and wait until the following output appears:

Environment: "development"
Serving pages from memory
Web Server is available at //localhost:1313/ (bind address
Press Ctrl+C to stop

Visit http://localhost:1313, where any changes will be visible from inside of the running container. Markdown files updated in content/ should trigger a browser refresh as they are saved.

The docker-preview target builds the theme, which takes a while and doesn't need to be repeated unless you are making changes to the theme. On subsequent runs, running make docker-serve instead will skip building the theme.

This depends on the Docker image fluxcd/website:hugo-support which should be kept updated when the website's build-time dependencies have changed; this image contains everything needed to run the docs locally.

If this doesn't work, the image may be stale. The instructions to update it are below.

Remote Development (kubernetes / okteto CLI)

This works the same as local development above, but with the Okteto CLI you do not need to run a Linux machine or virtual machine on your local development environment.

First, make sure you are permitted to deploy pods on any local or remote Kubernetes cluster. Download the Okteto CLI for Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Okteto CLI is a light-weight client-side tool that replaces Docker with a remote cluster. You can run hugo server remotely in this way; any changes to the local clone are synchronized to the cluster. The experience is basically the same as local development, (except that you won't need to install Docker.)

Instead of make docker-serve, type okteto up.

You can change the behavior in okteto.yml according to the Okteto Manifest Reference, for example adding a persistent volume can speed up the synchronization of the working directory files to the remote pod on repeated runs.

Updating the Development/preview container image

(For maintainers) Using a machine with docker and logged in with an account that has permission to push to docker.io/fluxcd/website repo, run make docker-push.

The dependencies of docker-push are explained below. If the above worked then you are done, and should not need to read any further.

Update this image whenever build-time dependencies have changed.

How is the Development container made?

These targets as explained below are run in the appropriate order as dependencies of make docker-push.

TODO: add a system/integration test for website that verifies any changes have not broken make docker-serve, for example by adding new dependencies without mentioning them in the docker-support/Dockerfile.

Flux-specific Dependencies

The FluxCD.io website has some build-time dependencies including Python3, PyYAML, rsync, grep, nodejs, npm, curl, jq, (and potentially others that may be added in the future.) Dependencies are prepared in an image that gets tagged as docker.io/fluxcd/website:hugo-support.

This image is built from the Dockerfile in docker-support/; run make docker-image to rebuild it locally.


FluxCD also depends on a specific version of Hugo, which unfortunately does not provide docker images for each version. So we build it from source, with the HUGO_BUILD_TAGS=extended build arg enabled.

Run make hugo to get a clone of the gohugoio/hugo repository at the right HUGO_VERSION and make docker-support to build a hugo container base image. These are the dependencies of make docker-image. (The docker-support target compiles golibsass and may take a while.)