
Progressive Delivery with Linkerd, Flagger and Flux v2

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Progressive Delivery with Linkerd, Flagger and Flux v2


In order to install the workshop prerequisites you'll need a Kubernetes cluster 1.18 or newer with Load Balancer support and RBAC enabled.

Install Flux v2

Install the CLI on MacOS or Linux using Homebrew:

brew install fluxcd/tap/flux yq

Verify that your cluster satisfies the prerequisites with:

$ flux check --pre

► checking prerequisites
✔ kubectl 1.19.2 >=1.18.0
✔ Kubernetes 1.18.9 >=1.16.0
✔ prerequisites checks passed

Fork this repo, and create a Personal Access Token with repo access. Then export your github-user, repo name, and PAT.

export GITHUB_USER=stealthybox
export GITHUB_TOKEN="$(cat ~/.config/gh/flux-bootstrap-demos.pat)"
export GITHUB_REPO=gitops-linkerd

Bootsrap Flux and your repository into your cluster. If you do not have one, you can create one with kind create cluster

flux bootstrap github \
  --personal \
  --owner "${GITHUB_USER}" \
  --repository "${GITHUB_REPO}" \
  --path "clusters/kind0"

If you use a different --path, be sure to copy the ./flux-system-config directory to it.

The cluster will now boot a dependency tree including Flux, Linkerd, Contour, Flagger, and the frontend/backend podinfo workloads.

From here, you can carry on with Progressive Delivery experiments using the Flagger Canary objects for the frontend and backend. See the EKS handson, Canary Releases and Canary Tests sections for more references.