
A simple small CakePhp project

Primary LanguagePHP


Simple small CakePHP application to manage a small sports club.


See the release guide.


See the installation guide.


  • Checkout the the GitHub project repository.
  • Open the system console
  • Change to [application installation folder]/
  • Run the Composer installation (including development dependencies) by running composer install
  • Refer to the installation guide for the various installation options.


The unit tests can be executed by running

php Console\cake.php test app AllAppTests --stderr --working .

in the app folder.

Create the code coverage report in HTML by running

php Console\cake.php test app AllAppTests --stderr --working . --configuration .\phpunit-html-coverage.xml

in the app folder.

Coding Standard

This project adheres to the ORCA Services Coding Standard where possible.

Check the coding standard compliance by running

composer check-codestyle

Issue Tracking

Issue tracking is done in GitHub.

Continuous Integration

The continuous integration is done by TravisCI.