
a Fastify plugin for Keycloak

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Node.js CI NPM version

fastify-keycloak-adapter is a keycloak adapter for a Fastify app.



npm i fastify-keycloak-adapter
yarn add fastify-keycloak-adapter

Fastify Version

  • Fastify 4 -> npm i fastify-keycloak-adapter
  • Fastify 3 -> npm i fastify-keycloak-adapter@0.6.3 (deprecated)


import fastify from 'fastify'
import keycloak, { KeycloakOptions } from 'fastify-keycloak-adapter'

const server = fastify()

const opts: KeycloakOptions = {
  appOrigin: 'http://localhost:8888',
  keycloakSubdomain: 'keycloak.yourcompany.com/auth/realms/realm01',
  clientId: 'client01',
  clientSecret: 'client01secret'

server.register(keycloak, opts)


  • appOrigin app url, used for redirect to the app when user login successfully (required)

  • keycloakSubdomain keycloak subdomain, endpoint of a realm resource (required)

  • useHttps set true if keycloak server uses https (optional, defaults to false)

  • clientId client id (required)

  • clientSecret client secret (required)

  • scope client scope of keycloak (optional, string[], defaults to ['openid'])

  • callback Relative or absolute URL to receive the response data (optional, defaults to /)

  • retries The number of times to retry before failing. (optional, number, defaults to 3)

  • logoutEndpoint route path of doing logout (optional, defaults to /logout)

  • excludedPatterns string array for non-authorized urls (optional, support ?, * and ** wildcards)

  • autoRefreshToken set true for refreshing token automatically when token has expired (optional, defaults to false)

  • disableCookiePlugin set true if your application register the fastify-cookie plugin itself. Otherwise fastify-cookie will be registered by this plugin, because it's mandatory. (optional, defaults to false)

  • disableSessionPlugin set true if your application register the fastify-session plugin itself. Otherwise fastify-session will be registered by this plugin, because it's mandatory. (optional, defaults to false)

  • userPayloadMapper(userPayload) defined the fields of fastify.session.user (optional)

  • unauthorizedHandler(request, reply) is a function to customize the handling (e.g. the response) of unauthorized requests (optional)

Configuration example

import keycloak, { KeycloakOptions, UserInfo } from 'fastify-keycloak-adapter'
import fastify, { FastifyInstance } from 'fastify'

const server: FastifyInstance = fastify()

const opts: KeycloakOptions = {
  appOrigin: 'http://localhost:8888',
  keycloakSubdomain: 'keycloak.mycompany.com/auth/realms/myrealm',
  useHttps: false,
  clientId: 'myclient01',
  clientSecret: 'myClientSecret',
  logoutEndpoint: '/logout',
  excludedPatterns: ['/metrics', '/manifest.json', '/api/todos/**'],
  callback: '/hello'

server.register(keycloak, opts)

Set userPayloadMapper

defined the fields of fastify.session.user, you can set value from UserInfo

import { KeycloakOptions, UserInfo } from 'fastify-keycloak-adapter'

const userPayloadMapper = (userPayload: UserInfo) => ({
  account: userPayload.preferred_username,
  name: userPayload.name

const opts: KeycloakOptions = {
  // ...
  userPayloadMapper: userPayloadMapper

Set unauthorizedHandler

Provides a custom handler for unauthorized requests.

import { FastifyReply, FastifyRequest } from 'fastify'
import { KeycloakOptions } from 'fastify-keycloak-adapter'

const unauthorizedHandler = (request: FastifyRequest, reply: FastifyReply) => {
  reply.status(401).send(`Invalid request`)

const opts: KeycloakOptions = {
  // ...
  unauthorizedHandler: unauthorizedHandler

Disable mandatory plugin registration

Use the options to disable the cookie and session plugin registration, in case you want to initialize the plugins yourself, to provide your own set of configurations for these plugins.

import fastify from 'fastify'
import fastifyCookie from '@fastify/cookie'
import session from '@fastify/session'
import keycloak, { KeycloakOptions } from 'fastify-keycloak-adapter'

const server = fastify()

server.register(session, {
  secret: '<SOME_SECRET>',
  cookie: {
    secure: false

const opts: KeycloakOptions = {
  // ...
  disableCookiePlugin: true,
  disableSessionPlugin: true
server.register(keycloak, opts)

Get login user

use request.session.user

server.get('/users/me', async (request, reply) => {
  const user = request.session.user
  return reply.status(200).send({ user })


MIT License