
Scripts and Dockerfiles to build Collabora Online Docker image

Primary LanguageShell


Scripts and Dockerfiles to build Collabora Online Docker image

To build the container first you need to build the base image and flatten it (to get rid of the history):

cd baseimage/
docker build --build-arg SECRET_KEY=<your secret URL part from https://support.libreoffice.collabora.co.uk> -t collabora/online-base .
docker run -d collabora/online-base
# Adjust the container id <hash>
docker export -o /tmp/collabora-flat <hash>
docker import /tmp/collabora-flat collabora/online-flattened

Afterwards you can build the regular container:

cd online/
docker build -t collabora/online .
docker history collabora/online

Do not share the secret key with anyone.