
A CLI Frontend installer written in PowerShell for Super Duper Vanilla Pack shaders by @eldeston

Primary LanguagePowerShell


A CLI Frontend installer written in PowerShell for Super Duper Vanilla Pack shaders by @eldeston

For some reason, the installer triggers a false positive from the antivirus landlords which is pointed out by the author of the compiler program that I've used. Here's the repo's statement about this issue from PS2EXE.

Update: To resolve conflicts pertaining the execution of unsigned scripts as a security measure for Powershell, the installer script has been signed with a signed certificate from ATA Authenticode to comply with these new policies, thus ensuring the safety of the program.

So, what is this for?

This installer is originally meant for more convenient shader updating (considering you have to download and extract from the master branch all over again which is very inconvenient.). This is a sideproject of mine that I have decided to make for SDVP as part of learning PowerShell as a student.

..any special features?

It features a selection page front-end using $PSCore:Read-Host which guides the user to properly install the shaderpack to its default location. -Although some people tend to store their MinecraftJava and Optifine binaries on an another drive which would be implemented on the next revision of the sourcecode.