Ethereum Commonwealth

Ethereum Commonwealth is an Ethereum Classic development team. There are two main goals for Ethereum Commonwealth:

1. Solve already-existing problems of Ethereum Classic chain.

2. Develop, improve and maintain Ethereum Classic network.

Additionally, Ethereum Commonwealth is working on alternative Ethereum-compatible chains improvements. We believe that all Ethereum-compatible networks form a common ecosystem. We think that by improving one of the parts of this common ecosystem, we also improve the adoption of all the other parts of it, thus improving ETC.

The policy of financial transparency.

Ethereum Commonwelath is a fully financially transparent development team. This document represents the whole history of Ethereum Commonwealth financial operations from the moment of initial launch: financial state.

Read this for more information:

Decision making process.

Major decisions are made through DEX token voting. Read voting session example for more information.

Minor decisions are often made by @Dexaran as Ethereum Commonwealth founder.

In case of conflict of interests the decision is always made through DEX token voting.

The policy of openness for contributors.

Ethereum Commonwealth is open for contributions. Read more about terms of contributions and payment requests.

For more information feel free to write a e-mail:


The Ethereum Commonwealth Roadmap is open and defined by the community during the development of Ethereum Classic. Everyone is allowed to create a milestone for the Ethereum Commonwealth or launch a voting session for certain proposal.

The milestones will be achieved as far as development will go forwards.

Solving problems of Ethereum Classic network will always have a higher priority for the Ethereum Commonwealth, than the development and implementation of innovations. We believe that establishing a sustaining and secure technology, infrastructure and ecosystem is the main goal for the Ethereum CLassic project to succeed.

A part of milestones was defined during the DEX ICO.


What we already did:

  • ENS for Ethereum Classic.

  • ClassicMask browser extension.

  • ClassicEtherWallet maintenance.

  • DexNS naming service for smart-contract and automated token support.

  • Viper online compiler.

  • ERC223 token standard.

Ethereum is moving forwards. It is guaranteed that Ethereum developers will make mistakes. It is just impossible to develop something error-free with a first attempt. Our goal is to track this mistakes, solve them and introduce an improved implementation for Ethereum Classic.

ENS was launched with two critical mistakes on Ethereum. We launched ECNS without any mistakes on Ethereum Classic.

ERC20 token standard caused loss of millions of dollars on Ethereum. We have developed ERC223 token standard to solve this problem. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to restandardize the whole Ethereum because of huge network effect and wide adoption of ERC20, but it is possible to form a healthy and secure infrastructure of ERC223 tokens on ETC.

Parity Multisig wallet was hacked twice on Ethereum. There were no Parity hacks on Ethereum Classic at all.

We prefer to stay a couple steps back and implement well-tested solutions than to rush and launch as fast as possible.


Each project has the corresponding milestone issue development discussion at the Roadmap issues.

If someone has ideas or suggestions, then he should submit a new issue for discussion.

This repository will be the central unit for discussing the technical details of the development of the Ethereum Commonwealth projects.

DEX ICO repository is moved here.