
Skills demonstration project

Primary LanguageJava

Device observer application

Screenshot from the running application

Installation and start

  • run "install.cmd" for application installation - downloads all necessary dependencies (currently only JavaFX)
  • run "run.cmd" for application start

"install.cmd" will compile the project and generates jar files in target/modules directory


  • you monitor devices, which are sending data to you,
  • each device has a unique name,
  • each device produces measurements.

Challenge: compute number of messages you got or read from the devices.


The created application simulates producing data from random devices and visualising this data in graph. Each line in the graph represents one device and its data. In the table you can see information about current devices, its IDs and most importantly count of all received messages for each device. Buttons right next to the table are used for adding or removing new/existing devices.

To start simulation just hit the start button.


By default, there will be 10 initialized devices ready to produce data. There is one ExecutorService initialized to contain 4 fixed worker threads. When simulation starts, four instances of device data producer is created and attached to the executor service to generate data. Devices are picked randomly and so are data produced by device. The Graph is updated periodically in UI thread. It checks new data received from devices and add new values to the graph. If there is too many values, old will be removed.

Total count of received messages is updated when new data are synchronized with GUI.