
Web app designed to enhance Valenbisi (Valencia city bikes) expirience.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Project for the Evaluation, Deployment And Monitorisation Of Models course at the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, during the spring semester of 2023.

Project supervisor: César Ferri Ramírez
Grade: 10/10


FreeBici is the all-in-one web app designed to enhance users' Valenbisi (city bikes of Valenncia) experience. With powerful features and intuitive functionalities, FreeBici empowers users to make the most of their bike rides throughout the beautiful city of Valencia. The service aims to revolutionize the way people explore the city on two wheels.


Final deployed application can be accessed at freebici.steciuk.dev.

Project raport/description can be found here.