Plex Web Client

Build Dependencies

Installing Build Dependencies

  1. Install node.js

  2. Install node dependencies

    From the project repository root:

    npm install .

Build Process

  1. Run build script


  2. Run web server

    node server.js

  3. Navigate to localhost:3000

Heroku Environment

  1. Install Heroku Toolbelt (

  2. Log into Heroku

    heroku login

  3. Add your ssh public key to Heroku

    heroku keys:add

  4. Add Heroku as a remote to your git repository

    git remote add heroku

  5. Application can be tested locally in a Heroku environment

    echo "NODE_ENV=production" > .env or echo "NODE_ENV=development" > .env

    foreman start

  6. Navigate to localhost:5000

  7. Deploy application on Heroku

    git push heroku master