
CentOS 7 Docker host provisioned by Vagrant and built by Packer with Ansible

Primary LanguageRuby


Based on: https://github.com/bbirkinbine/packer-vagrant-centos-7-1503-01-x86_64-minimal https://github.com/bbirkinbine/vagrant-docker-host-centos-7

Modify vagrant/docker-compose.yml to set up the docker images you want to run. Be sure to put volumes under the /home/vagrant/docker directory. More info here: https://docs.docker.com/compose/

cd packer and run make to build the packer image. You can run make clean to remove any created Vagrant boxes and downloaded ISOs.

now cd ../packer and run vagrant up


Instead of the shell provisioner, I'm using ansible-local, with playbooks from: https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-packer-rhel

Including Vagrant setup for docker host as well.

Dealing with proxies when building with packer

If you need to specify a proxy, be sure to set at least the http_proxy environment variable. Packer will grab it and the ansible.sh script will include it as part of yum.conf.

Additionally, if your proxy inserts its own untrusted SSL certificate, you can run make build-nosslverify, which will configure yum.conf to globally disable the sslverify option. This is particularly an issue with the EPEL repo, which uses SSL for its mirror.

Issues with outdated VirtualBox Guest Additions

After first boot, yum update will probably update your kernel, which will mean you need to rebuild the VBox Guest Additions. Install the vbguest plugin to aid with this:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest