
Pythonic JSON loader for Sling

Primary LanguagePython



Py-slinger is a simple demonstration of loading content into a Java Content Repository such as Adobe CQ5 from a JSON content representation.

A Python script parses the supplied JSON payload(s) and converts the content to a series of multipart form data posts processed by the target system's SlingPostServlet. No special connector code is needed on the target system, as this method takes advantage of Sling's RESTful nature to populate content nodes directly and in place.

More information on the SlingPostServlet is available on the Apache Sling site.


Construct JSON Payloads

Each JSON payload should be structured in the following format:

{ "path": "*/absolute/page/path*",
  "properties": [
    { "name": "*property_name*",
      "value": "*property_value*" }],

  "nodes": [
    { "path": "*node/path/relative/to/page*",
      "properties": [
        { "name": "*property_name*",
          "value": "*property_value*"},
        { "name": "*property_name*",
          "type": "*property_type*",
          "value": ["*value1*", "*value2*", "*value3*"] }]},

    { "path": "*node/path/relative/to/page*",
      "properties": [
        { "name": "*property_name*",
          "value": "*property_value*"}]}

By default, properties are assumed to be of type String and therefore the type is omitted. For non-scalar values such as arrays (e.g., multiple tags in CQ), the type must be explicitly declared in the JSON payload.

See the supplied page_example.json file for a real-world representation of a CQ Geometrixx page.

Loading binary files (e.g., images) is also supported. The JSON payload follows a similar format, but includes a renditions node which includes a path to the local file. The supplied asset_example.json payload is used to load austin_motel.jpg.

Execute Content Load

  1. All JSON payloads for migration should be stored under a single directory (nested subfolders are OK).

  2. In a terminal, navigate to the directory of pyslinger.py and issue the following command:

    python pyslinger.py cq_server username password payloads_path [mode]

Supported modes are itemwise and nodewise.

In itemwise mode, a single POST request is used to load the content item, followed by separate requests for associated binary files (if any).

In nodewise mode, a separate POST request is made for each node. This may be useful for debugging or making very precise updates.

The provided run_demo.sh contains default commands appropriate for out-of-the-box CQ instances. This executes the script twice, loading content itemwise and nodewise, respectively.


  1. While this generalized approach should work on all Sling-fronted repositories, it has only been tested on Adobe CQ 5.4.

  2. You may encounter unmet dependencies for Python modules not included in the standard library, such as simplejson, html2text. Review the import statements at the top of each script and install necessary modules using easy_install or pip.