- Gulp
- Angular 1.5 (component-oriented)
- Angular UI Router
- Bootstrap 3 (Less)
- Webpack
- BrowserSync
- ES6 modules via Babel
- ESLint
- Less
- Favicons generator
- Sprite generator
- Autoprefixer
- HTML/JS/CSS minification, uglification, concatenation
- Sourcemaps
- Karma, Jasmine, Protractor and PhantomJS for testing
- Django CSRF protection support
- install node if it not installed. For linux or for mac and npm
npm install gulpjs/gulp-cli -g
for installing gulp-cli 4 if it not installednpm i
- install all dependencies
If you have gulp-cli
installed in global packages you can use gulp commands else use npm
,gulp build
ornpm run build
to build an optimized version of your application in/dist
gulp serve
ornpm run serve
to launch a browser sync server on your source filesgulp serve:dist
ornpm run serve:dist
to launch a server on your optimized applicationgulp test
ornpm run test
to launch your unit tests with Karmagulp test:auto
ornpm run test:auto
to launch your unit tests with Karma in watch mode