
Example application demonstrating how to build PostgreSQL backed APIs in Dart

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Example project demonstrating how to build web APIs with Dart, Shelf, and PostgreSQL.


This project is an implementation of a very simple REST API (and backing PostgreSQL database schema) that can create and list basic items via HTTP requests. Server port and database connection info are set via environment variables, allowing for easy deployment to app containers.


The following tools are required to run this project:

Getting Started

To run and test the server:

  • Clone this repo and cd into its directory
  • Initialize the database with ./db_create.sh
  • Run the server with $ dart bin/server.dart
  • Create items with $ curl -X POST localhost:9001/item -d '{"name":"test"}'
  • List items with $ curl localhost:9001/items


If you notice something out of place or in need of some improvements: issues, pull requests, and other contributions are welcome.

Thanks for checking out this project! @8_bit_hacker

Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style license.