
Advanced HTTP client for golang

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Travis godoc License

Advanced HTTP client for golang.


  • Chainable API
  • Direct file upload
  • Timeout
  • HTTP Proxy
  • Cookie
  • GZIP
  • Redirect Policy


go get github.com/ddliu/go-httpclient

Quick Start

package main

import (

func main() {
    httpclient.Defaults(httpclient.Map {
        httpclient.OPT_USERAGENT: "my awsome httpclient",
        "Accept-Language": "en-us",

    res, err := httpclient.Get("http://google.com/search", map[string]string{
        "q": "news",

    println(res.StatusCode, err)



Use httpclient.Defaults to setup default behaviors of the HTTP client.

httpclient.Defaults(httpclient.Map {
    httpclient.OPT_USERAGENT: "my awsome httpclient",
    "Accept-Language": "en-us",

The OPT_XXX options define basic behaviours of this client, other values are default request headers of this request. They are shared between different HTTP requests.


In most cases you just need the Get and Post method after initializing:

func (this *HttpClient) Get(url string, params map[string]string) (*httpclient.Response, error)

func (this *HttpClient) Post(url string, params map[string]string) (*httpclient.Response, error)
    res, err := httpclient.Get("http://google.com/search", map[string]string{
        "q": "news",

    fmt.Println(res.StatusCode, err)

    // post file
    res, err := httpclient.Post("http://dropbox.com/upload", map[string]string {
        "@file": "/tmp/hello.pdf",

    fmt.Println(res, err)

Customize Request

Before you start a new HTTP request with Get or Post method, you can specify temporary options, headers or cookies for current request.

    WithHeader("User-Agent", "Super Robot").
    WithHeader("custom-header", "value").
    WithHeaders(map[string]string {
        "another-header": "another-value",
        "and-another-header": "another-value",
    WithOption(httpclent.OPT_TIMEOUT, 60).
        Name: "uid",
        Value: "123",
    Get("http://github.com", nil)


The httpclient.Response is a thin wrap of http.Response.

// traditional
res, err := httpclient.Get("http://google.com", nil)
bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)

// ToString
res, err = httpclient.Get("http://google.com", nil)
bodyString := res.ToString()

// ReadAll
res, err = httpclient.Get("http://google.com", nil)
bodyBytes := res.ReadAll()

Handle Cookies

url := "http://github.com"
        Name: "uid",
        Value: "123",
    Get(url, nil)

for _, cookie := range httpclient.Cookies() {
    fmt.Println(cookie.Name, cookie.Value)

for k, v := range httpclient.CookieValues() {
    fmt.Println(k, v)


Concurrent Safe

If you want to start many requests concurrently, remember to call the Begin method when you begin:

go func() {
        WithHeader("Req-A", "a").
go func() {
        WithHeader("Req-B", "b").

Error Checking

You can use httpclient.IsTimeoutError to check for timeout error:

res, err := httpclient.Get("http://google.com", nil)
if httpclient.IsTimeoutError(err) {
    // do something

Full Example

See examples/main.go


Available options as below:

  • OPT_FOLLOWLOCATION: TRUE to follow any "Location: " header that the server sends as part of the HTTP header. Default to true.
  • OPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT: The number of seconds to wait while trying to connect. Use 0 to wait indefinitely.
  • OPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS: The number of milliseconds to wait while trying to connect. Use 0 to wait indefinitely.
  • OPT_MAXREDIRS: The maximum amount of HTTP redirections to follow. Use this option alongside OPT_FOLLOWLOCATION.
  • OPT_PROXYTYPE: Specify the proxy type. Valid options are PROXY_HTTP, PROXY_SOCKS4, PROXY_SOCKS5, PROXY_SOCKS4A. Only PROXY_HTTP is supported currently.
  • OPT_TIMEOUT: The maximum number of seconds to allow httpclient functions to execute.
  • OPT_TIMEOUT_MS: The maximum number of milliseconds to allow httpclient functions to execute.
  • OPT_COOKIEJAR: Set to true to enable the default cookiejar, or you can set to a http.CookieJar instance to use a customized jar. Default to true.
  • OPT_PROXY: Proxy host and port(
  • OPT_REFERER: The Referer header of the request.
  • OPT_USERAGENT: The User-Agent header of the request. Default to "go-httpclient v{{VERSION}}".
  • OPT_REDIRECT_POLICY: Function to check redirect.
  • OPT_PROXY_FUNC: Function to specify proxy.
  • OPT_DEBUG: Print request info.

Seperate Clients

By using the httpclient.Get, httpclient.Post methods etc, you are using a default shared HTTP client.

If you need more than one clients in a single programe. Just create and use them seperately.

c1 := httpclient.NewHttpClient().Defaults(httpclient.Map {
    httpclient.OPT_USERAGENT: "browser1",

c1.Get("http://google.com/", nil)

c2 := httpclient.NewHttpClient().Defaults(httpclient.Map {
    httpclient.OPT_USERAGENT: "browser2",

c2.Get("http://google.com/", nil)


  • Support all HTTP methods directly
  • Direct JSON support?
  • Socks proxy support
  • Improve API design