
Smart Contracts, Tests, and Scripts used to aid in Astria development.

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT

Status: Archived

This repository has been archived and is no longer maintained.

status: inactive

Anything of interest here has been implemented in a (slightly) cleaner monorepo that can be found at https://github.com/astriaorg/astria-web3. This repo also contains other fun things like a faucet and a web3 frontend.



deploy contracts

  • Weth9 contract
    • NOTE - Currently the geth local account is hard coded into the dev-cluster configuration. This will be fixed soon. Until then, you may have to get the private key from someone else, or run dev-cluster with your own public key as the executor_local_account.
# deploy Weth9 contract first
export PRIV_KEY=123...
RUST_LOG=debug forge create --private-key $PRIV_KEY --rpc-url http://executor.astria.localdev.me src/Weth9.sol:WETH9
  • Uniswap v3 contracts w/ custom deploy-v3 scripts
# clone astria's fork of deploy-v3
git clone https://github.com/astriaorg/deploy-v3
cd deploy-v3

# create .env file and fill it with envars you see in the command below. you don't have to use dotenv, but it's convenient.
# NOTE - the private key here requires a prefix of "0x"
touch .env

# NOTE - make sure to delete state.json between restarts of your chain!
rm state.json

# call command with dotenv
dotenv -- bash -c 'yarn start -pk $PRIVATE_KEY \
  -j $JSON_RPC \
  -w9 $WETH9_ADDRESS \

w/ forge

# installs base64-sol.
# there is a map in foundry.toml that maps "base64-sol" to the node module directory.
pnpm install

dotenv -- bash -c 'forge script script/DeployUniswapV3.s.sol:DeployUniswapV3 \
  --optimizer-runs 2 \
  --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY \
  --rpc-url $JSON_RPC \
  --chain-id 912559 \
  --slow \
  --broadcast --skip-simulation -vvvvv'
  • ERC-20
# deploy AstriaToken
RUST_LOG=debug forge create --private-key $PRIV_KEY --rpc-url http://executor.astria.localdev.me src/AstriaToken.sol:AstriaToken

# deploy SteezeToken
RUST_LOG=debug forge create --private-key $PRIV_KEY --rpc-url http://executor.astria.localdev.me src/SteezeToken.sol:SteezeToken


forge test --rpc-url http://executor.astria.localdev.me -vvvvv


There are a few weird things that you may run into when using this repo.

  • Multiple versions openzeppelin-contracts
    • The Uniswap contracts require an older version of openzeppelin-contracts, but the Astria contracts use a newer version of openzeppelin-contracts.
    • This is why there are two versions of openzeppelin-contracts in the foundry.toml file.
  • base64-sol is installed via npm and importable because of the remappings in foundry.toml