
Bash completions for the Meteor web framework

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Bash completions for the Meteor Web Framework

Meteor is an ultra-simple environment for building modern web applications. See http://meteor.com

This bash file provides bash completions for the meteor command line tool.


Updated for Meteor


For some commands the completion provides two options, an example is the 'test-packages' command, typing meteor test-packages [TAB], the completion will provide directory options like the default terminal completion, meteor test-packages - will provide completions for the test-packages command (--port --verbose, etc)

$meteor [TAB]


$meteor command [TAB]


$meteor command - [TAB]


Some completions are for options that must be placed at the end of the command for example the build command:

Usage: meteor build <output path> [--debug] [--directory] [--settings settings.json]

Package management

Add package

The completion supports all packages from the package list, to test it type in terminal:

$meteor add accounts[TAB]

The above command will print all accounts related packages.


$meteor add accounts-p

The above command will auto-complete the accounts-password in terminal.

Remove package

$meteor remove[TAB]

The above command will list all the installed packages.


Put it somewhere accessible for your user, for this example we assume the directory /home/myuser/meteor.bash, in your .bash_profile or .bashrc paste the following:

if [ -f /home/myuser/meteor.bash ]; then
    . /home/myuser/meteor.bash

Additionaly on Ubuntu systems you can put this file at /etc/bash_completion.d/ in this case you do not need to put the previous if [...] clause in your .bash_profile or .bashrc

Available meteor commands:

  • help
  • run
  • create
  • update
  • add
  • remove
  • list
  • add-platform
  • remove-platform
  • list-platforms
  • configure-android
  • build
  • mongo
  • reset
  • deploy
  • logs
  • authorized
  • claim
  • login
  • logout
  • whoami
  • test-packages
  • list-sites
  • publish-release
  • publish
  • publish-for-arch
  • search
  • show
  • admin
  • install-sdk
  • shell