
Big Data Management Systems course assignment: Meetings and chat application with Redis

Primary LanguagePython


Assignment for the course Big Data Management Systems of 4th year spring semester and specifically Redis

Assignment description

Firstly create by using any type of database:

  1. A database of users (userID, name, age, gender, email)
  2. A database of meetings (meetingID, title, description, isPublic, audience) with meeting instances (meetingID, orderID, fromdatetime, todatetime)
  3. A database of eventsLog (event_id, userID, event_type, timestamp)

Then create the following functions storing the data in a Redis Server:

  • Function: a meeting instance becomes active
  • Function: a user can join an active meeting instance – if allowed, his email is in audience*
  • Function: a user can leave a meeting*
  • Function: show meeting’s current participants
  • Function: show active meetings
  • Function: when a meeting ends, all participants leave*
  • Function: a user can post a chat message*
  • Function: show meeting’s chat messages in chronological order
  • Function: show for each active meeting when (timestamp) current participants joined
  • Function: show for an active meeting and a user his/her chat message

Note: A meeting has audience or it is public. Also, functions with a star in the end, must also insert an event in the database eventsLog.

Installation requirements

Install the necessary libraries using pip:

pip install tinydb, redis, datetime

Running Application

  1. Open the redis-server.exe window-server
  2. Run the command python main.py from cmd
  3. Choose from the displayed menu the corresponding function