
Multiplayer geoposition game engine, based on Flask, socketIO, MongoDB and Leaflet

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Play a mix of Pacman and other classics in real life on your mobile device.


Core components:


  • Flask, the python web app framework
  • MongoDB for all persistent data ops
  • Celery, distributed task queue, the backend worker

Frontend - Classic:

Frontend - Fancy:

How to run this?

  • Get these packages
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-virtualenv python3-dev build-essential redis-server libgeos-dev mongodb-server
  • Make sure you have MongoDB 2.6+
mongod --version


  • Setup Virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Setup some environment vars (add them to env/bin/activate script) - see config.py
export APP_SETTINGS="config.DevelopmentConfig"
export REDIS_URL="redis://localhost"
export SECRET_KEY="whysosecret?"
export CELERY_BROKER="redis://localhost:6379/0"
  • Start the webserver (see Procfile for Heroku version)
gunicorn app:app --chdir kingler -k eventlet -w 1 -b
  • Start Celery worker in another terminal (but with the same venv). Enable the beat to run with bots.
celery worker -A app.celery --loglevel=info -B

You may want to

  • Setup NGINX with SSL to support GeoLocation features on Chrome browser
  • Setup an init script in systemd


  • fix version nrs in requirements.txt
  • add license
  • add a tutorial for SSL setup (required on Chrome for GeoLocation)
  • rework database interaction to be compatible both with MongoDB and PostGIS/GeoAlchemy2
  • ...

In case we ever go back to PostGres (I hope not)

  • install PostGres
  • a super user is handy as you need extensions, database and tables for this project
  • install PostGis
  • use geoalchemy2 in requirements.txt
  • export DATABASE_URL="postgresql:///kingler" to environment
  • use alembic / flask-migrate to migrate databases
  • edit script.py.mako to include geoalchemy2
  • edit your db migrate versions carefully