
Generate Melodies + Chords by using LSTMs

Primary LanguagePython

HAMR 2015: DeepComposer


This is a little hack we did at the HAMR@ISMIR 2015 hackday in Málaga!

  • Anna Aljanaki, Stefan Balke, Ryan Groves, Eugene Krofto, Eric Nichols

Hack Goals

  • Collect several symbolic song datasets, with melody and possibly chords.
  • Represent data in a common vector format appropriate for input to a neural net.
  • Develop an LSTM architecture for generation ration melody/chord output.
  • Make music!


Python Requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt


The datasets we use are included. In the following we would like to give credits to the authors:


Further documentation can be found on: http://labrosa.ee.columbia.edu/hamr_ismir2015/proceedings/doku.php?id=deepcomposer