
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Universal Serverless Experiment

Is write once, run everywhere possible for serverless computing?

This experiment tries to do two things:

  1. create a package that can be deployed to as many serverless platforms as possible
  2. provide adapter code so that all serverless platforms can execute one single, platform-agnostic function

With following limitations:

  • Assumes that the runtime is node.js (version 10+)
  • The only supported trigger is HTTP
  • None of the outbound platform APIs will be abstracted

Compared to other approaches like Serverless @multicloud this project:

  • does not require any code changes to adapt code from one runtime to another
  • does not depend on a framework

Try it

$ curl https://serverless.project-helix.dev/hello

You will get the same function results, from a randomly selected runtime.

Supported Runtimes

  • Apache OpenWhisk
  • AWS Lambda
  • Azure Functions
  • Google Cloud Functions


// we use the fetch API, and node-fetch is a good approximation
const { Response } = require("node-fetch");

module.exports.main = async function(request, context) {
  let body = "hello world!\n\n";
  try {
    body += JSON.stringify(context, null, "  ");
  } catch {
    body += context.toString();
  body += "\n" + request.url;
  body += "\n" + request.method;
  body += "\n" + request.headers.get('user-agent');
  body += "\n" + request.body.toString();
  return new Response(body, {
    status: 201,
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
      'X-Generator': 'hello world'


Is a Request object.


Is an object with following properties:

  • runtime.name: name of the runtime, e.g. aws-lambda
  • runtime.region: where the function is executed, e.g. us-east1 – the names are not consistent across runtimes
  • func.name: name of the function, e.g. hello
  • func.version: version of the function, e.g. 0.0.53 – the versioning schemes are not consistent across runtimes
  • func.app: name of the application, project, namespace, or other container of the function
  • invocation.id: a request ID as generated by the runtime. Formats differ dramatically
  • invocation.deadline: timestamp (milliseconds till epoch) when the runtime will terminate the execution and time out. Not available for Azure
  • env: environment variables and other runtime-managed parameters (e.g. default parameters in OpenWhisk)


Return something that looks like a Response object. We honor: status, headers, body

Known Limitations

  • no unit or integration tests, no CI

Next Steps

  • A service that deploys function from a zip file


# create a zip file
$ sh build.sh

# deploy it everywhere
$ sh deploy.sh

# fetch the results
$ sh test.sh