- 94bryanrCoCube
- alexhumphreys
- alinabNCSA, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- alrunner4Seattle, WA
- andorp
- aphoristicartistNew York
- AtticusKuhnCambridge, United Kingdom
- bobbbayCanada
- buzden
- chespinozaUK
- chrrasmussenNorway
- ElijahLaMoonUkraine
- gwerbinUSA
- hydrolarus
- jjlIndependent consultant
- jmanuel1Imagine Learning
- kbertalan
- MarcelineVQ
- Matthew-MosiorAustin, TX
- mattpolzin@opallabs
- MaxDesiatov
- nothingnessesGMT+0
- nukisman
- phlip9@lexe-app
- rhagensonWashington University School of Medicine
- sergei-romanenkoKeldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
- ska80Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
- steshaw@tweag
- tkersey@thisisartium
- vasyavasilevs
- watashiwa-toki