Get-AZCoreModules.ps1 searches the AzerothCore repository for all available modules and clones the ones that you select.
Note: If the eluna lua mod is one of the selected modules the script automatically downloads the additional eluna engine dependency. No need to download separately
- Download script
- Open script with editor of choice and change first line of script to match the folder you have AzerothCore cloned to:
- Script will download all modules into the "modules" folder of your AzerothCore repository:
- Navigate to the location you saved the script and double-click to run it
- Script searches Github and displays a popup of all available modules
- Check the boxes for the modules that you want
NOTE: Any modules already present in your modules folder will be checked by default - Sit back and wait. Powershell will return to the prompt once finished
- You can verify modules were downloaded by looking at your modules folder: